* Friends are listed here in random order. Precedence does not signify any preference, and do not follow any chronological, alphabetical or any other  sequence.
They were inserted randomly the same way they came in my life randomly :)
Its really ironic how me & Hazem met the first time, we use now to remember that and laugh. Hazem was a collegue in one of the companies I
worked by. When Hazem was employed they told me that he will join me in my room for the time being. It was not long till I complained about
that and made them remove him from my room. It was only a few days later when me and Hazem started to be brothers; and "brothers" is the
meaningful word. I do not recall a single day when there was no contact between me and Hazem, and though he travels a lot for work, we always
keep in touch and feel something wrong if we missed a day. Hazem, his cute wife Dalia, and their beautiful daughter Winnie could not be
regarded but part of my family, they never missed an occasion, even my birthdays its hard to forget a time when that slipped of their heads without
celebrating it with me. Hazem is a true bless to have as a friend, owns a sense of humor that makes you really smile in the darkest times. He
worships values in a sense that makes you really wonder : Do pure persons really exist ? I have known Hazem  for more than seven years now, and I
promised myself that such a gift is  worth spending every effort to be kept in anyone's life. Thanks Hazem for being my brother, my companion, my
advisor and in many cases, my tutor in life.
Read also what Hazem
thinks about :

"What is life ? "
Hazem also has a couple of lines to say about me. I always envy him for the
treasure of unique expressions he uses. Don't only read; but try to take notes
after Hazem's words; you will sure need these one day :)

Read it here
With a charming smile and timid eyes Hoda takes you leisurely to the ages of romanticism and wisdom. And though I don't know Hoda since long,
I find her an extremely comfortable person  to assist when i am in need to a person to talk to. Hoda appears to be very quite and shy when it
comes to social activities, but try talking to her and you will unveil a fortune of unrivaled morals that you can do nothing infront but stop and praise.
She is very "elegant" in her speech, very intellectual as well. Her studies in the States coupled by her continuous exposure to different cultures has
collaborated to produce a very well balanced, enthusiastic, brave and romantic character that comes wrapped in a beautiful veiled religious
Hoda has  something to  tell  
you about her unique concept
of :

"Breaking Through Life"
Hoda also was kind enough to write
something about me.

Read it here
An innocent child and pure soul; even when he is at his most wicked moments
Seif never proves to be contaminated with today's down to earth falls. I always
tell him: Don't lie Seif, because you simply do not know how to do it ! His famous
wide smile reflects a comfy inner soul. Seif's best amusement is to play board
games and watch a DVD on a Home Theatre system; simple things like those do
make him happy. Seif is very religious yet extremely outgoing, he has hundreds
of friends and is a great dancer indeed.  As one of his friends called him once
"beta3 el BMW elly ma3a mobaylat ghareeba"; Seif adores technology and
never spares a penny to spend on high tech appliances. It is our fun to always
make use of Seif and his things : His car, his North Coast Challet, his notebook
and he is always kind enough to make these always available to us. Thank you
Seif, but please stop lying to me :)
Seif has something to say about

Read it here
Mr. Helpful ! Tarek is an extremely helpful and easy going person. You are
amazed by the way  Tarek initiates the help for anybody; even if that was the first
time he meets him. I do not recall even once that Tarek made a single
complaint about anything; something that I usually do :) And that's why I love
being with him. He can be a shoulder to lean on even if deep inside he was not
that happy, and making himself available for his friends definitely gives him a
self - satisfaction, and gives his friends a strong reason for never to let him go.  
Tarek is the single person whom I knew who was loved by everyone. No one
debates about his good self, and that really makes me worry and wonder - you
know, it is too good to be true :) The only thing I hold against him is his blind love
to his "Seif", yemeen yemeen, shemal shemal ! It's time my friend for a
revolution; a peaceful one :)
Read what Tarek wrote about me
Tarek has  something to  tell  you about his vision of  the:

"Journey Of Life"
I have known Mohamed for nice 15 years now. It is not common that work colleagues can turn out to be real friends, but this is what
happened with me and Mohamed. The thing that makes you gaze at Mohamed and think about is his blend of features: He is very quiet, yet  
very loud in his type of music that he hears, he is very homey, yet very outgoing when there is a chance, he is very family oriented, yet very
sociable when it comes to making friends. He is a very loyal friend, and you can always count on him. If u need a favour from Mohamed, u
can forget about it and consider it done. He loves his work, and never get bored of it. He has been working in the same company for 14
years; which tells u how loyal he is and how monotonous he is as well ;) I have had long fights with Mohamed; some of them lasted for long
months- but all were bygones, and when i think of including a friend in my site, Mohamed pops up immediately. He is a true friend !
He has always been a fan of Rock and Metal Music. He talks
about it with great enthusiasm to the extent that you feel has
participated in composing any of those. I really hate that kind
of music, makes you feel restless, and I have always fought with
Mohamed whenever I ride his car to stop playing this trash. But
read what Mohamed wrote about
"Hard Rock & Heavy
Metal Music " to understand what I mean.
Mohamed wrote something about
me, he is not the type who says nice
words, but his words are frank. Read
A collegue of mine and a dear friend wrote a POEM for me. Thanks a million Hany
Goto Friends - Page 2

My Friends are my real
treasure in life. I have
carefully elected my friends
over my life period. I hold
them as true family members,
and find real refuge in them
in time of need.
I am very proud of each and
every one of them, keen to
keep him / her to the end of
days, and would like to
dedicate them a small "Thank
you" by having them in my