My Photgraphy Works
What is Photography to me ?
"I sometimes feel abandoned, introverted or paradoxed, and these are the best times when I hide behind my camera body to
come out a few seconds later a more convivial, extrovert and  steady person ! "
Ehab Fawzy
Read also what does photography mean to those famous photographers here.
Photography & Perspective
Test your faith and think of Justice. Then write the letters N-O-W-H-E-R-E , then read it. . . You can either read it "Nowhere" or you
can read it "Now Here"...It's all about perspective. Perspective is what also makes a good photo !
Exhibitions & Contributions
. Egyptian Photography Association Exhibition - 1992

. German School Photo Exhibition - 1993

. El Sakia Photo Exhibition by Egyptphotography - 2003

. El Sakia Photo Exhibition by Egyptphotography - 2004

. "Architecture" Photo Exhibition in Faculty of Fine Arts - 2004

. "Fifth Nile Salon for Photography" at Cairo Opera House - 2004
Please feel free to use the reduced resolution version of any of these photos for any artistic purpose you may need. I would just ask you to inform me
where and how are you going to use it. If you also need a larger version, contact me and I will be happy to assist you. I am doing this in good faith, so
please do not abuse. If you intend to use any of these for commercial purpose, some of my photos are offered for sale. These come either in matt or
glossy finish and displayed in 0.8 cm or 2.5 cm Frames with colored background. For information about the availability, sizes and prices of these photos,
please feel free to contact me
Thank you wewedebo, oror, mostafa and Tarek for your kind contribution.

Browse through my works, I
have tried through my
career life to treat my daily
work as my hobby, and to
integrate my hobbies in my
everyday life.

Well, I don't think I managed
to succeed in that :)

Have a look though !