About Bobba

When I knew that Ehab was preparing for his new webpage, I kept thinking
what to write about him in the space designated for me. I can’t talk about his
vices; as my best buddy I don’t care for such. I can’t even talk about his
virtues; Even a blind man on a galloping horse could see them. In a nut shell,
Ehab, or as I always love to call him: Bobba, is that kind of person whom you
always look high at  no matter how old you grow.

On the personal level, Bobba is a very rich place where you can easily get the
pearls of wisdom, whenever you are in need just go and ask him and he will
simply throw light on sty. Let alone his persuasive skills; He could talk dogs off of
a meat truck. That’s why you can easily see how he affects the decisions his
mates take.

At work, he is not that kind of persons who throw their weights around, he
knows how to hit the nail on the head, and the most important he does not
need your praise; he is quite capable of blowing his own trumpet. He is capable
of pulling out all the stops to reach his target, no matter how hard or far this
target was.

Honestly speaking, words can’t serve me well to write what best describes
Bobba. All what I can say is that I do consider myself lucky having him in my life
as my best buddy. Hope he feels same to me.