My Journey ~ My Trips
The Journey of Life !
It's satirical how persistently one is asked to believe that we have a much of choice
in that world. And when
all what you have got is a diminutive preference of trivial
life aspects, there remain the sheer  essence of  life dictated for you to live and

And when all is said and done, and choice is being made, you lay down your head
on your pillow at the end of the day with a fake smile & simulated convenience of
what you have "chosen" to accomplish during your day, when all what you have
really realized during your whole life my poor creature is only but a  "Predetermined
Dilemma" !

                                                                                           Pessimistic Impression by .... me of course !
The Journey Started
Early Symptoms of Suicide :)
My 2nd Birthday
Mini Me
The Promised Future !
Ready, steady, go !
The Fortune Teller
Men in Black :)
What's Next ?
Life: Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but no one knows that happiness and growth occurs only while you are climbing it !
My Inside Trips
Alexandria, North Coast, Alamein, Matrouh
Read about interesting places you can visit while travelling to the same places I have been to : Alexandria , Marsa Matrouh
A mild trip to Siwa will include visiting nice places like Ein Futnas, Cleopatra well, Amon Temple, Mountain of the dead. You will need 4x4 cars to visit: Bir Wa7ed, El Ein El
Kebeera, El Ein El Soghayyara, Mat7anet el Zaytoun and some other places. Read about them all  
Ras Sudr, Sharm, Dahab, Neuibeq, Taba, Ain Sukhna
See some interesting pictures from Air and Land by others HERE
Bahareya & Bawiti
Read here about Bahareya
Demietta, Ras El Bar, Manzala & Borolous Lakes
Read here about Tanis (Manzala & sharkeyya Province in ancient times)
Dahshur, Beni Suef, Sannour Cave
Goto Trips Page 2

Journey of my life ...

Trips into my world !