* Friends are listed here in random order. Precedence does not signify any preference, and do not follow any chronological, alphabetical or any other  sequence.
They were inserted randomly the same way they came in my life randomly :)
Magued is another colleague whom I have met at one of my jobs. First time I saw him when he was using the computer located next to mine.
With a friendly smile he waved his head saying "Saba7 el kheir...7adratak shaghal ma3ana henna..7adretak kont shaghal fein 2abl keda?" And
that was it; I knew at once that this polite kind person is going to be one of my closest friends. Over the short period I have known Magued
(almost 4 years), I was very pleased to discover that he is such a simple person; simple yet very intelligent guy who has got rules and principles
in life. Some of your rules are very stupid Magued, but I do admire your  persistence to apply them strictly. He enjoyes himself with simple
things: Although he is not yet married, he has furnished his own apartment with fine delicate pieces which he has collected carefully along the
years.  He likes wearing brand named shoes and has a nice watches collection. He has expanded his English vocabulary by writing down each
new expression he liked; and it shows well when he talks. We have travelled together in leisure trips, I don't recall talking much together when
we were on these trips, but sometimes you don't need to talk much to a person because you know he is so close that words are useless to add
anything that can be said !
He has a very outstanding
perspective about getting
married in Egypt. Read his words
and trust him, he has been
through a lot of experience :)

" Marriage Nowadays"
Magued wrote something about me,
Don't know if it is good or bad; but I
think it is being very subjective.

Read it here
Imagine a girl who forces you to think of her but only as a respectable
character, a girl who keeps her promises and is always on time on her time
appointments or dead lines. A girl with a great sense of humor, very cheerful
and very simple. A polite girl who is also an art lover and much into nature. A
girl who offers help whether you are a friend, a relative or even a stranger. If you
can imagine that a girl can combine all these features in this age, then u can
figure out why Rola is distinctive !
Although she sometimes gets nervous for small stupid things, yet knowing that
she can get easily teased means that she has a very sensitive nature. But do not
attempt teasing her a lot, sometimes she could be pretty attacking :)
After working for some good years in one of the well reputed banks in Egypt
and has reached remarkable positions, she preferred to quit and start searching
for doing what she really likes. She searched for the value that can be added to
life. She has managed to find a couple of things that she really loved and
excelled at. Read her essay about "Beauty" and you will understand.
Seek Rola's friendship, if you succeeded in that, you have gained a precious
Read how Rola recalls meeting me,
and what she thinks about me.

Read it here
Read her article about "Inner
Beauty and Make Up" and
take it for granted. She is a
professional in that.
For girls seeking beauty, go for
Rola and trust her.
Orensa ia a guy whose personality walks ahead of his age. When he was hardly 24 years of his age he used to organize and lead difficult
trips to the desert and wild places. He spends a lot of effort to make everyone feels at ease. He does not hesitate to avail all his resources
whether personal or materialistic to assist others. I have known him through the Photography society and he is a very talented passionate
photography lover. He has participated in a bunch of exhibitions and has moreover organized a couple of more exhibitions. He does not
approve me as a good photographer; maybe because my talents exceed his :-P, however all who has seen his works have praised his gifts,
so maybe I am mistaken :) When we go on photography trips Orensa is so kind that he lends me his tripod and shutter release to work his
shots without them. Such a person with a helpful arm, talented gift and a permanent smile is worth all efforts to keep as a true friend. Thank
you Amr !
Have a look at what Amr wrote
about me

Read it here
See  Photography Samples
of Amr works here, including a
self portrait and a couple of
other shots taken by him.
The most talented yet mysterious girl I have ever met in my entire life.
Rania is a closed book and a suspense movie; If u decide to know her
you have to unleash her closed self. Beware, you might get hurt, but she
is definitely worth the trial. She can hold a pencil and a piece of paper
and draw a vigorous sea, or she can draw a still lake among a
peaceful forest; This is Rania with all her ups and downs, but in all cases
you will end up with a final product which is a true piece of art.
In her work, she does not have to exert a lot of effort to prove herself, for
she is a real gifted artist, and has won several prizes of appreciation for
her works on a national level. However she does not seek any chance
for a career, she just rely on her faith in her talent; and she always reaps
what she saws. But when it comes to motherhood, Rania is very strict in
everything that has to do with Amina. She has no substitute but raising
up a mentally and physically healthy child. Rania regards motherhood
as a sacred message and a lifetime project. She invests in her daughter
every experience she has gained in her life and makes it available at a
flip of her daughter's finger.
Rania might seem an absent minded girl to some people, but that
mind holds inside a handful of virtues and values acclaimed lost
nowadays !
Rania wrote something about me.

Read it here
See Rania's vision of
Motherhood. See it in an artistic
philosophical perspective.
Self Portrait
by Rania Amin
Goto Friends - Page 1
Goto Friends - Page 3

My Friends are my real
treasure in life. I have
carefully elected my friends
over my life period. I hold
them as true family members,
and find real refuge in them
in time of need.
I am very proud of each and
every one of them, keen to
keep him / her to the end of
days, and would like to
dedicate them a small "Thank
you" by having them in my