“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort,
but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”

M. L. King Jr.    

  Breaking though Life

The deep inner self-search is not an occupation sought by the majority,
preserving a lifestyle seems to be the priority. Imagine a life where one has 2 lives
happening in parallel, one that would fit with the common society; one does
the mundane to fit in, earn a living …. etc; and the other is concerned with truly
exploring what is embedded within oneself, whatever that might be!.  Within
the Middle Eastern culture, a deep concern is dedicated to appearances and
blaming “the other” Vs. what are we actually doing to self-flourish.  Self
development has no limits and eventually will reflect on the whole once one
reaches an intersection between both lives, if ever!.

hoda el hadidy

“His {Edward Said} scholarly work has been devoted to unraveling mythologies
about ourselves and our interpretations of others, reshaping our perceptions of
what the rest of the world is and what we are.  The second is the harder task;
nothing is harder than looking into the mirror”

Noam Chomsky