When I met Ehab

First time I met Ehab, it was back in 1992, or maybe the beginning of 1993 as I
remember, this was at work, and he was called by my manager to examine a
camera, he sat just ahead of me trying to figure out all its features …… this
took almost two hours and we almost didn't talk to each other on that day ….
And I didn't imagine that we're going to be friends …… a few weeks after
that, he was transferred to the office I was working at, and we became friends
since then.
The most significant thing about Ehab, is the huge number of friends he has, I
always wondered how he can keep the friendship of at least 200 persons????
Now we come to the criticism part …… ( Ehab, don't be upset, this is the truth )
…. He always wants to know every detail about your life, and always want you
to know the least about his life.