* Friends are listed here in random order. Precedence does not signify any preference, and do not follow any chronological, alphabetical or any other  sequence.
They were inserted randomly the same way they came in my life randomly :)
From behind her glasses, Wa3d pays attention to the smallest detail around. She breaks down sophisticated issues to its simplest ingredients
and react with each in a scientific way. Sometimes I regard Wa3d's interpretation of the entourage as a true incident of a wise girl, but most
of the times I pity her cos she brings sophistication to things that might be wiser to be taken easily. But no one can deny that she is so brilliant
when it comes to decision making.  I met her in one of the trips going to the desert. She is the kind of the girl who brings her solicitude along
and enjoys tranquility with the company of a good book. I was surprised when I asked Wa3d to send me sample of her works that she holds
as dear, and was glad to know that inside that nice creature lies an artist. Wa3d produces amazingly impressing drawings, her technical
works, paper and assignments at work or study is a true piece of pride itself. She is also stepping into photography, however I think she still
has a long way to go in that. When i need to talk to a nice cute person who would add a "wise logical" smile, I choose Wa3d.
Wa3d's works are really
impressing. Have a look at
some of her drawings, some of
her photos and some of her
technical essays during her
study in Cambridge
Wa3d was so hard on me.. I had a
word with her about what she wrote
about me, and she still thinks it is
"nice" and true.

Read it here
I have known Waleed for more than 15 years now, and though we were not
oftenly meeting at college times, it happened that me and Waleed
became work colleagues, and this is when I really got to know Waleed on
a close personal level. Waleed is a very kind and helpful guy and even
though he sometimes appeares to be a bit aggressive, if you get to know
the true Waleed, you will get to know a decent, well brought up and a
man of values. He is very organized; he keeps his CDs and belongings in a
very organized way. He is extremly professional at work and always
searches to build a system. Waleed runs his life in a rational way, actually
too rational that sometimes i have the feeling that it is going on a flow
chart path. He is nowadays seeking his career Between the States and
Canada, and I am sure he will achieve mere success, because he is a
man of determination. Good luck my dear friend !
Read what Waleed has to say about
You enter Amr's room at work to find a calm dude sitting by his desk, organizing
his files on his PC, filing his work both in images and drawings neatly, surrounded
by yellow sticky notes all around to remind him of his appointments and piled
with latest decoration magazines all around. Amr is the  type of man who cares
much about the Quality of Life; something i do praise in him. He knows how to
keep balance between the quantity of what he is doing and the quality of such.
He approaches things in a serene and rational way, and has no problem offering
help generously to others. Amr was the one pulling out other's cars  in the desert
with his Cherokee when they got stuck in sand :) He has an exceptional sense of
humor; something that you do not expect in him when you get to know him for the
first time due to his snooty looks at you :-P And though me and Amr have not
spent a lot of times together, I really do miss him much these days being away in
Dubai seeking new horizons. My only condolence in that is an inner feeling I am
having is that he is on the right track. Good luck Amr; I really miss you my friend !
Amr is very concerned about
Time, he thinks that life is going
by quickly. Read
here his
interpretation of the the quote :“
Ce soir je prends mon temps, c’
est pas mon temps qui me
Amr wrote something about "Bobs";
this what he calls me :)
have a look
A very intellectual person. Alyaa is a girl who still goes every year to the National
Book Fair at Ard el Ma3ard to select carefully her books to read. In teh ages of
internet and ebooks, Alyaa still insists that reading a book on a holiday after long
months of work is something unrivaled. She is a girl who glorifies hard work, and
spends not less than 12 hours daily at work.  She organizes her life in a way that
really attracts you; she works, cooks, hangs out and still can spare time for some
sports. She is an opera fan and an art lover. She plays Piano and she admires a
good piece of music. She enjoyes a good movie and has delight in visiting a
museum. With a background in archeology Lolo never gave away the tourism
field and is excelling well in her career.
Read what Lolo has to say about me
You probably have heard during your life about how religious persons enjoy a comfortable living in life. Tamer is a true demonstration
of that. With a big - and i mean BIG - smile, Tamer always greets you and treats you. Besides being a colleague and a friend, I have
once been on a trip to Sinai with Tamer. The five close days I spent with him revealed me a real kind person; who is though religious
yet very extrovert ; especially with foreigners ;) He loves eating a "banana bel Moz" pie :) Tamer is also someone who pays attention
to the "Priorities" in life. Career, religion and sports being amongst his first ones. He can wear a light T-Shirt in a -1 degree freezing
weather. Being an extremely compassionate person, you will find Tamer a common friends for ALL your friends.
Read what Bahnas has to say about
Goto Friends - Page 1 - Page 2
Goto Friends - Page 4

My Friends are my real
treasure in life. I have
carefully elected my friends
over my life period. I hold
them as true family members,
and find real refuge in them
in time of need.
I am very proud of each and
every one of them, keen to
keep him / her to the end of
days, and would like to
dedicate them a small "Thank
you" by having them in my