haven’t known Ihab for long but he’s the kind of person u feel comfortable
with and u immediately start talking and let go the things u do not normally

Not so many trips or outings we went to, even though we’re close. Bobs is the
kinda person your first impression about him remains last. Transparency. He’s
got nothing to hide or to fake. Ihab is also some1 who thinks deeper than the
usual, or at least deeper than me if I’m not the usual. Haven’t been shallow in
his life, Bob’s managed to learn quite a few languages, playing music and
even studied Egyptology among things so unrelated. Being my colleague at
work for almost a year, I think Ihab yet has really a lot to let out and he is
certainly a talented architect.

No different than most of us, Bobs is not standing on solid ground regarding the
set up for the near future of his. The last quality I found out in Ihab is that he
doesn’t like to compromise, I mean he is chasing perfection in everything
actually, which is a bit different than the commercial ME!