* Friends are listed here in random order. Precedence does not signify any preference, and do not follow any chronological, alphabetical or any other  sequence.
They were inserted randomly the same way they came in my life randomly :)
It's really startling how you can get comfortable to someone after knowing him with only few hours. Hala combines complete simplicity with
intricacy, delicacy with ruggness, seriousness with triviality. And between this and that she definetly has got an attractive charisma. At an
unsurpassed young age, Hala manages to be a top management member in one of the most renowned financial entities in the country. Not
only that, but she has also succeeded in silencing any allegation in doubt of her work excel. With more than 13 hours of work aday, you can
still find Hala enjoying her life through simple gestures, as simple as watching a movie with a pop corn in one hand and coke in the other.
And with a candid smile on her face, she effortlessly shines joy around. Nonetheless, she is not that perfect: Her -maybe undeliberate- seize
to promptly be a friend "in need" is notable and in most cases hurtful. She always apologizes for not being there when you needed her, and
she is always forgiven and the hope is yet here she could rectify that with people who love her.  You can easily fall in love with her
transperancy, child-like purity. Blessed with a nice family and good folks Hala was brought up a straightforward, honest, and respectable
person. In that nowadays life of uncertainity and falsehood, seek a true friend for refuge. Hala is one !
To make Hala sit down and write,
you have to exert a considerable
effort. End of the day, she did it...

Read it here
Aganist all odds, aganist all what it seems, and aganist all our days-and-nights
never ending fights, I really do love that guy !
Dido is an extremly "uncontaminated" polite person. With a never short-of
exceptional sense of humor that might not make you laugh, but definetly
makes you content that someone could still interpret things around and
analyze them into an "intelligent" mock !
He calls me stuborn, well..he then should be a rock-headed person. He puts
benchmarks of his own and has no flexibility to turn around. And though he sets
his benchmarks over life, religious and human aspects, who said that anything
we are living is absolute ya Dido ? You have to be more flexible, more
understanding and more welcoming to the sense of failure or disappointment.
This is for your sake, my sake and everyone around whom i am sure all love
you. It has been more than seven years now knowing Dido, with the last couple
of years meeting on DAILY basis, and never have I seen him come with an
action that has violated respect or reverence.
I am sure he and me will fight again, apart again, collide again and again, but
i am dead sure that we will never allow not to love each others as real true
friends !
Not breaking the rule, me and Dido
had continuous fights and long terms
of persuasion till i made him write

Definetly one of the most intelligent persons in terms of "Life Interpretation".  You are not
always convinced by Mahmoud's end results about things, but you will be sure amazed by
his analytical logical approach to various life aspects. Mahmoud always consolidates you
with his vision in whatever matter u bring up to him, and exerts every sincere effort to help
you with your problems. Being loaded with responsibilities himself, it is respect-worthy to
find him always prompted to give a helping hand. Mahmoud might be the most person i
found who is being criticized by people around, he might not even know that himself, but
never in a million times has anyone "condemned" his personality. He seldom takes advice
from anyone, he seldom even asks for one; something that I have always noticed and
maybe criticized in mahmoud: Being so introvert, Mahmoud never pays attention to social
life; especially with friends. And although I am sure he is a perfect husband and a brilliant
house holder, he rarely takes the initiative to get involved into society.
I have known Mahmoud for almost 18 years now, during which we have become like
brothers- something which i sure hold as precious. Along these long years we had only
fought once; which is a true record :)
His mum and dad are the type of people who worships true culture, and no wonder he has
"absorbed" that from them. I do not recall once that Mahmoud was upset or angry, but I am
sure he gets furious a lot of times inside. This is something I never understood in him. A
healthy person often expresses symptoms of happiness and sadness alike, Mahmoud
Sometimes he does not apply what he preaches: He does not let go an opportunity telling
you about the benifts of being open, at the time that he himself is being a closed "sealed"
However, that in many cases I have learnt a lot from Mahmoud. And in many times have I
reacted in first-times-situations the same way as I imagined Mahmoud would have reacted
exactly, and i guess that makes him a mentor to me. One good thing about Mahmoud is
that he is always insisiting on being that pro-active person rather than being the usual
re-active one.
For his age he has achieved a lot on the career scale, but this is of no wonder as he
dedicates a great portion of his life to work.
Do not take Mahmoud's "predictions" on the financial, political or global scale for granted;
most probably they do not prove to be correct, but definetly learn from him how he
approaches bulky mysterious anagrams.
I truly worship Mahmoud's friendship, and though we do not meet much nowadays, he is the
type of person whom you can never get  out of your mind.
" I do not think you will ever talk to
me again after reading what I have
written about you" This is what
Mahmoud told me after sending me
his vision in me.
Well, If i do not know you well ya
Mahmoud, I would have cut every
thread between us :)  but I can read
between the lines.. I hope others can
do as well !
I invite everyone to read what
Mahmoud wrote, believe me it is
worth the time reading.

Read it here
Mahmoud is a talented guy. A lot do
not know that, he is a good writer
and a gifted painter as well.

He wrote some impressions. I prefer
to publish it in his own hand writing.
Gives you an idea about how he
"thinks" while writing. It is a very nice
one; reveals a lot about Mahmoud's
personality as well:

Mozakkerat wa   
khawater bedoon ma3na
Even at his most "cunning" situations, Aly remains the kindest and most modest
person on earth. He is the kind of friend whom you can give your house key,
your money and all belongings and still be assured that all are in safe hands. I
met Aly - or as I always like to call him "Ta3loob" - back in 1994 at work, and
since then we have become close friends. He is very intelligent, and aganist all
the mocking that we all tease him with sometimes about being a "karawy
sazeg" Aly makes extremly intelligent puns reflecting his social intelligence.
He applies "Finance" both in his work and in his life, he can pass a month with
few pounds or with several thousands of pounds, and in both cases he
manages to enjoy his life. We always buy valuable things from him, and we
end up with everyone thinking that he has fooled the other in a good deal,
while the truth is that both of us lose :) I feel very comfortable in Aly's company,
I really do, and I guess that is one of the sheer reasons I adore him both as a
friend and as a real brother.
Aly wrote something about me. Read
here in his own handwriting.
A very "Basic" person who comes with no "options or accessories". He is my
dear and close friend Alaa. I cant remember for how long I have known
Alaa..Probably since the day I was born :) He is the type of person whose best
outing is going to the club to have a coke. He refuses to introduce any High
Tech appliance to his life, and strictly considers that a waste of money. He is
a shooting sports fan and spends a considerable time since his childhood
times playing various types of sports. Alaa and his brother Sherif are more of
brothers to me myself, and in their house I have spent times as much as I
have spent at my house. Since his marriage, we do not see each others very
often, but the memories of the good old days always keep us in touch. We do
have a lot to remember ya Alaa, right ?
He is a very Poem composer. He
owns a big collection of poems that
he has written both in Arabic & in
Hear some in his own voice
Alaa wrote few lines about me on a
filthy paper, with disgusting
handwriting. Thank you Alaa ;)

Read it here

My Friends are my real
treasure in life. I have
carefully elected my friends
over my life period. I hold
them as true family members,
and find real refuge in them
in time of need.
I am very proud of each and
every one of them, keen to
keep him / her to the end of
days, and would like to
dedicate them a small "Thank
you" by having them in my