The Bobba

Well I know Bobba only a few years, menak lelah yaly kont el sabab, so I
can’t write a lot about him, so I will just make it short…

Bobba is a very contradicting character he is always moody, and this
mood can change easily.
He is sometimes kind and peaceful, and sometimes vicious and aggressive,
He is sometimes happy and in a second angry and upset.
He is sometimes intelligent, and most of the time hard headed and
He is sometimes care free, young hearted and sometimes old and weary.
I can sum up all this in one word, he is a big child.

My friendship to him is like Tom and Jerry, always teasing each other but I
think I am used to him being there in my life so I can’t bear to miss him.

Bobba, I wish you all the happiness in the world, bas 3ady enta 3alaya…