Writing about "Ehab Fawzi",  Ummmm….
It will definitely need a complete website with endless pull down menus.

Ehab, I promise you, if I ever have the time to be a writer, that you will be
featured as a main character in one of my novels.

 When I received your message: - " Criticize me (Some praise is O.K. off course)", I
was very confused. It seemed to me as an unconscious attempt to identify
yourself through the unrealistic image your friends had adopted for you. Well I am
sorry to tell you that,  but it is not going to work. It would be impossible for all your
friends to grasp glimpses from your true being when you yourself had failed.

 Ehab, I cannot tell you who you are as this is
the demarche to conscieness that
every being on earth should lead, driven by god's enlightment.
Unfortunately very few persons in history had reached the end of this route in
their lives. Moreover I think most people never started this journey until they
become very close to death when there is nothing much left to be done.

 Ehab, I cannot criticize you or praise you since I do not know" You" and since
you, yourself, had not discovered yet the true being inside you.
Amazing, after all these years, isn't it?

Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?

 However, Ehab, since I should write something I will describe traces of your
character. Again I am repeating that this should be only considered as aspects
of your personality that will keep on changing throughout the years. Your true
being inside that will never change through time remains unknown for me since
you didn't discover it yet.

-        A sensitive person who cannot imagine his life without being hurt by
       insensitive people in this cruel unfair world.
-        An intelligent mind, who studies, learns and acquires all sorts of knowledge
       more than anyone I had ever met.
-        A wise guy who always see the world through his ironic smile.
-        A person who thinks he is the only giving person in this ungrateful world.
-        Sometimes an unhappy emotional person that his mind identify with.
-        Sometimes a negative mind.

 All the previous are only your personality aspects but definitely do not consist
your true being inside. Not only that, but even the world you are living in is your
own mind creation. Simply it is not real. Also all problems you ever suffered from in
your life are mind illusions that never truly existed.
Moreover your past consists of mind memories that are simply false interpretation
to the reality. Your future also is mind expectations that will never happen as your
mind is portraying.

 I know your ego will refuse to believe what I am saying here. I can hear you
saying:      " This arrogant stupid Mahmoud. What does he know? Who does he
think he is? He is just another narrow minded, judgmental person who doesn't
know what he is talking about."

Maybe you are right. Please, also, bear in mind that talking to you this way
doesn't mean that I am out of the global mind trap myself. I am struggling too to
find my way out.

 But since you will loose nothing by listening to me, you might try a new life
approach and see if it can work for you. You have to admit first that your life
consists of a sinus curve of ups and downs between pleasurable moments and
depressions. Admit that you failed in maintaining the beautiful moments a
constant mode of life.
You know why? Because these moments are not originated from happiness
They are only mind solutions to escape from depressions. Your mind cannot live
constantly in misery so it invites you to try external simulators that will make you
forget for a while your happiness. It is a pity but your mind will never succeed in
ending the suffering as it is the source of it. I am sorry to say this but all the hobbies
in the world, travels, sex, purchasing gadgets, learning, work, even forming a
family will not help to escape from depressions and solitude. You are complete
within, without any external relationship or external surroundings or tranquilizers.

 I am inviting you to see the whole life differently according to the definition of
enlightment as:
 " The end of suffering."

Of course the definition is incomplete as it tells you what enlightment is not but it
doesn't tell you what it is. Simply because it is only "You" can answer this question.

 To help you answering you have to start by destroying your perception of time.
The only real time in life is the present moment. The most precious gift god had
granted us. Past and future are mind illusions. So why waste this gift or portion of it
in suffering? Nonsense; isn't it?

 Focus on the present moment and stop thinking all the time. I bet you cannot
feel any sadness or problem if you isolated yourself from your thinking identity.
Problems come to disturb you, when your mind starts analyzing bad sad memories
of the past or pessimistic future.
You know why your mind will always push you either in the past or the future and
never to the present sacred beautiful moments? Simply because it cannot
function in the present. It becomes weak and loses control. It fears inhalation.
Your mind, the wonderful tool that you have, is becoming the master and your
true being becomes the slave. Look how many languages you learned, studies
you had made. All these are proof that your strong mind demands working and
controlling all the time. Dominating you forever.

Try this test. Ask yourself the question:-" What is the first thought that will come to
me now, this instant? Do it know and stop reading.

Well? I bet it had been a while before anything came to your mind. Actually the
first thought would be when your mind started to remind you of the past or the
future facts. You know why? The mind cannot work in the present. This is a
scientific fact.
The present, you feel it and you cannot think it.

 Ehab; end any problems and unhappiness in your life. It is a very simple decision
that you can take. Just have the will. What do you fear? Will you be lost if you live
in peace, tranquility and joy? Is this frightening? To discover that the part of your
life when you felt depression was a waste of time and didn't have any meaning or
reason. Chocking but it is true. Great part of the past 34 years was only mind
illusions and unrealistic problems to worry about. Who doesn't want to end all the
problems in his life? No one. But amazing enough no one dares to take the
decision. Yes, a pure decision, no more than that.

 Don't get me wrong here; I am not inviting you to stop thinking. All I am asking
for is to think only when it is needed. Only when you can achieve positive things
by thinking. You will still plan the future but you will not worry about success and
failure. The present is all what it matters.

 By observing people who carry frustration and anger inside, without being
aware, are more likely to be attacked, verbally, by other angry people and often
for no apparent reason. They have a strong emanation of anger that certain
people pick up and that triggers their own anger. Remember, Ehab, the gas
station employee who threw in your face the coins that you tipped him with.
Apparently there were no reason, but deeply it is related to the observation
mentioned above. At that time you were talking about frustration from simply
living in Egypt.

 Ehab, Change yourself before it is too late. Focus on the being inside to find
Awaken yourself.

 Ehab, I do not know whether you are going to talk to me again or not? Whether
you will feel angry and hate me for writing this or not? All I know is that the few
people in history that started searching for enlightment had done it after
experiencing great sufferings. This is the main reason I am writing to you as a
friend. As I am confident you can trigger, if you wish, a tremendous amount of
positive good energy captured inside. Only
You can do that.

 Again I am repeating that I am not preaching since I, myself, didn't find my true
"me". I still face sadness and frustration as anybody maybe even more. However I
am searching and digging inside as I will not surrender easily.

 Finally, Ehab, I dedicate to you a short story I wrote three years ago. One of the
few moments I witnessed the sate of being present. Since then I am reading and
digging about this subject and hoping to find what I am looking for one day.

"The secret of life is to" die before you die"- and find out that there is no