Make up & Inner Beauty

When Ehab asked me to write about a certain topic, I chose "Make up"
because it is something most people are interested in these days. Both men and
women, and because it is something that I love doing; I would like to clear
certain things about it to all people.

"There is a beauty inside each woman, but not every woman knows how to
show this beauty"

A famous phrase said by Mimi Sedky the famous Egyptian beautician & also my

I think this phrase is correct, there is no such thing as a beautiful woman & ugly
woman, it all depends on how you show & magnify the things that is beautiful in
you & hide the things that you do not like; at the same time highlighting your
personality taking out everything that is beautiful inside you to show on your
face..And that is MAKE UP !

It is not about changing your features or trying to look like anybody else, every
woman has her own beautiful scent.

We also have to know that the inner beauty is the most important things is a
woman is having good looks but she is ugly from inside. You will see her ugliness
and vice versa. So do not depend on first impression when judging people.

And I have to say that Make up makes a woman look better is she takes acre of
her total look; I mean choosing the correct hair cut for her face type and
choosing clothes suitable for her body structure. You can not do one thing and
leave the other, and I think that a girl should be neat and elegant all the times
because that is how God wanted her to be: To give from her beauty and
passion to her kids and her soul mate.

In short, I can say that there are different kinds of faces: Circular face, heart
shaped face, long face,..etc. and there is a special way of treatment to each
type using foundation, but the main rule is : For big parts use dark colours, for
small parts use light colours.

Quick Tip for Skin Care & Morning make up

1- In the morning wash face with soap free facial cleanser, then purify skin with
Toner and at last use Moisturiser.

2- Add a thin layer of foundation - preferable to have a sun screen - if not use
sun screen under it and cover it with transparent loose powder.

3- Light colour blusher, lipliner and matching lipstick.

4- Light coloured eye shadow over the eyes and then pout eyeliner ( If you are in
a hurry skip the eye shadow)

5- At last put Mascara.

6- Before going to sleep repeat step one, adding night eye cream used around
the eyes to prevent darkness and wrinkles.

7- Eating healthy fresh food, honey, fresh milk, drinking lot of water, sleeping for
at least seven hours are a must for good healthy look.

8- Practising any kind of sports at least 3 hours a week.

At last try to show your inner good feelings, be passionate, love yourself, love
your family and friends, try to give more, remove hatred from your heart and it
will show on your face and you will be the most beautiful creature on earth !

Rola Abou Zeid